MetaZoo has officially shut down (A Short Update)

MetaZoo was a trading card game based on cryptids that came out in 2020. Much like Pokémon, you can collect and bond with various cryptid creatures. Earlier in the year, it was announced that the company would shut down due to claims of economic errors and logistical struggles. I did a write-up here discussing topics such as their NFT use and other issues (Here).

I assumed it was all done and over with until I was looking through my Instagram feed and saw this:

Source: Metazoo Instagram

So MetaZoo filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is kind of interesting. I’m not qualified to explain what Chapter 7 bankruptcy is, so I’m going to let the IRS website do it for you (click here). Also, I read another nifty piece on it (click here).

Looks like there’s a good chunk of debt behind it, which is unfortunate. I know many LFGS that sat on stock for a substantial chunk of time because it wasn’t selling. I’ve seen people trying to sell off their own personal collections because of the condition of the company. That’s always something unfortunate when there’s a group of people genuinely interested in the game.

What do you think about this situation?

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Have a great Monday — J

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